Privacy Policy

The information voluntarily provided by users of The Mermaids Training Platform website is utilized to enable direct and meaningful communication between users and the platform. This data is also employed to furnish answers to specific user queries and to facilitate the execution of orders. The information collected by The Mermaids Training Platform is utilized to measure website traffic, understand customer preferences for additional products, and streamline interactions with the platform. The platform does not share users’ email addresses or any other user-related information with external organizations or partners not affiliated with The Mermaids Training Platform.

Information Gathering:

The Mermaids Training Platform has structured its website to allow users to visit without disclosing their identity unless they choose to do so. Users are prompted to provide personal data only when placing an order, registering on the website, or contacting The Mermaids Training Platform via email.

Use of Information:

The platform collects two main types of user information: (1) information provided during customer registration, and (2) information supplied to fulfill orders. When completing an order form, users may be required to provide their full name, address, postal code, email address, telephone number, credit card details, and payment method. The information is used for order delivery, customer identification, communication regarding new products and special offers, and the distribution of prizes after a competition draw.

Correcting, Amending, or Deleting Information:

The Mermaids Training Platform allows users to correct, amend, complete, or delete their submitted data. The platform will promptly act to delete information upon user request, prioritizing the security and protection of user data. Users can access, modify, or delete personal data by contacting The Mermaids Training Platform via or through the registration page.

Periodic Changes:

The Mermaids Training Platform continually enhances its website, products, and services, leading to periodic updates of its privacy policy. Users are encouraged to regularly review the privacy policy for any changes. The platform may amend the policy without prior notice.

Acceptance of Privacy Protection Procedures:

By using The Mermaids Training Platform website, users accept and agree to the Privacy Statement and the announced terms and conditions.

Cookies Policy:

The website utilizes cookies to enhance user experience and gather statistics on visitor behavior. Cookies are small text files stored on devices for unique identification or to store information and settings in the browser. Users can disable cookies, but some functions may be affected. The platform employs different types of cookies, including strictly necessary, functional, detailed, targeted, fraud prevention, tracking, and cookies for site performance measurement.
Links to third-party websites on The Mermaids Training Platform may have their own cookies and privacy policies. Users are advised to review these policies before using linked third-party websites.

Revision of Cookie Settings in the Browser:

Users can manage cookie settings through their web browsers. Instructions for managing cookies are provided by major browsers, such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari. Users are encouraged to refer to the manufacturer’s official literature for the latest information on cookie management.
Continued use of the website implies consent to the use of cookies.