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Lesson 2 from the “Mermaids for Inclusion” project is a multifaceted swimming module designed to promote inclusivity in sports. It is structured in two parts: practical swimming exercises and a reflective interview. The first segment, lasting 20 minutes, consists of various drills aimed at improving basic swimming skills, both individually and in a team setting. The second part, spanning 5 minutes, features an insightful interview with young female swimmers from the Kosovo-based partner organisation (KSU Otrila), where they explore the theme of inclusivity through sport, guided by the finswimming head coach of the Croatia-based Finswimming Team Komet, the project’s coordinator.  The module incorporates assessments to gauge skill proficiency, inclusivity participation, and engagement in discussions on sports inclusion. It concludes with a reflection on the practical application of the inclusive principles observed in the session, encouraging participants to integrate these values in their daily lives and future swimming sessions. The slides provided offer a visual guide to the module’s content, emphasizing the importance of social inclusion, skill development, and fostering a supportive swimming environment.


Lesson Plan-2