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The Mermaids project is on a mission to introduce finswimming as a novel sport in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo and Greece . Beyond the thrill of the sport, the project carries a broader vision of fostering awareness and inclusivity concerning gender equality and the integration of ethnic and religious minorities.

This project aligns with the EU Work Plan for Sport 2021-2024, which underscores the importance of integrity, values, and social dimensions in sports. It specifically focuses on enhancing women’s representation in leadership and coaching positions within the realm of sports. The initiative also seeks to guarantee equitable conditions and media coverage for female athletes, in line with the overarching objectives outlined in the EU’s sports agenda for the specified period.

The impact of the project extends beyond direct participants like coaches, athletes, and organizations. By setting a model for best practices in using sports for social integration, Mermaids aims to influence the wider community and stakeholders. Finswimming, characterized by the use of bifins or a monofin resembling a “mermaid’s tail,” not only adds an element of excitement but also serves as an attractive tool for dissemination and drawing newcomers to the sport.

In essence, the Mermaids project envisions finswimming as more than a sport – it is a catalyst for positive social change, breaking stereotypes, and fostering inclusivity in Europe.